How To Cope With Homesickness At College

Leaving for college is an exciting time for students, one that represents new opportunities and, for many, their first venture out on their own, being away from family and friends. Being in new place however, may often come with bouts of feeling  homesick during this periods of transition.

For students struggling with homesickness, here are suggestions for how they can create their own sense of home on campus:

  • Know that Homesickness is Natural:Many people shy away from admitting that they miss home and the first step is accepting that feeling homesick is natural. Homesickness can happen to anyone.  It’s important to remember that it is OK to feel that way, and that at some point, it will get better.
  • Explore your New Surroundings:It’s tempting to treat your room as a safe haven but spending too much time inside might not help. Keep yourself busy: organize a day-trip around the new city, study at the library instead of your room, get a part-time job, explore and get involved with student organizations and clubs on campus!
  • Bring Comforts from Home to College:Bring reminders from home, be it photos, blankets or stuffed animals. These can help ease the distress associated with being away from home and can serve as a source of comfort while trying to settle into a new environment.
  • Connect with Friends & Family Back Home:Get on a video call, start a group chat, or mail your closest ones a letter! Keeping in touch with your friends and family back home might make you feel more connected to your roots.
  • Reach out to Others Away from Home:Connect with other international students who may also be going through the same emotions as yourself, while being awayfrom home. Talking to individuals in the same boat as yourself will help you exchange notes on how to deal with similar situations and provide solace in newer, challenging situations.